Jibberish 3

Once upon a hot cheese burrito, the slimey ardvark sat upon the minted figs, only to be denied the basic right of flight

Forbidden televisions are to be viewed by only the star bellied sneeches, not the Yousefs

The book of warm marmelaid is once and again the top publication of Guam

You creatons, you have stolen the one priceless Emu from the public jumbalia

Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, FISH

If only the gardener had stolen his world of flowers he wouldent be a gardener

People may be People and forks may be forks but James is a complete Jackass

Harold and the Hawk Monkey and Francis and his mule, Jerimiah and his bullfrog, and I and my 9 volt robotic Puppy

If only shoes hat turtle wuttle

If you have a better idea then lets do it but if you dont have an idea the you can feel some moldy grapes in coleslaw

"Cd-roms and building blocks, only the best for my fish" exclaimed Harold right before his so-called death

Folding trays my be good and so might country music, but if two dogs of the same breed can produce rabbits, then Haircutting is illegal in Vegas, not Sacremento

The folding chairs and the rolands played for the galaxy only to be denied at mid-space

Pop and chips, Gatorade, Pop and chips, Gatorade, and Fulcrums, nuthing but Fulcrums